About my Father


Helmut Steubl

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Helmut Steubl was born in Vienna-Brigittenau in 1938 and also spent his childhood and youth there.

After successfully completing his compulsory schooling, he wanted to continue his studies, but after the early death of his father and in the meagre post-war years, this was not financially viable.

So in 1952, it was time to take up an apprenticeship. He became a retail salesman and, after two different careers and 46 uninterrupted years of work, was able to take early retirement in 1998.

In 1959, he married his childhood sweetheart Helga, who bore him two sons: Robert and Wolfgang.

This marriage, built on mutual understanding and tolerance towards their partner, lasted until Helmut Steubl's death in November 2023.

Like their father, both sons were musically orientated. Robert studied violin and guitar and later focussed entirely on country music. He has made a great contribution to the spread and understanding of this style of music in Austria and has been honoured with four country music awards.

At the height of his creative career, the good Lord unfortunately took him very early. The ACMF (Austrian Country Music Federation) honoured him posthumously with the "Hall of Fame" award in 2001.

Despite his poor circumstances, his parents made it possible for their son Helmut to take violin lessons in 1946. After a short time, he gained his first experience of ensemble playing in the youth orchestra of the All Saints' parish in Vienna's 20th district and soon made his first official appearances as "concertmaster" at high masses in church and as a musical accompanist for theatre performances.

During these years, jazz became very popular in Austria.

Helmut got himself a slide trombone and took lessons. He realised that he had a special gift for this style of music and was soon able to jazz and improvise in a sextet. It was only natural that the young man who had previously played the violin should develop into an advocate and permanent practitioner of swing and jazz!

Helmut's first engagement was in the "Austria-Tanzorchester Franz Punz", which performed as a second orchestra alongside the then very well-known orchestra of Prof. Leo Jaritz.

He was also a welcome guest trombonist in other bands and was able to gain a lot of important experience for his musical future.

In 1970 Franz Punz died unexpectedly and the subsequent "players' meeting" appointed Helmut Steubl as the new band leader.


for my childhood friend Helmut Steubl – by Walter Bilek, 12/2005