Vienna differently

Elisabeth Brandl und Wolfgang Steubl

The Message

When a city gets arms and legs, its heartbeat and pulse can be clearly felt - then it triggers something completely different in people apart from their eyes and ears: They begin to feel it.

In all their grandeur, but also in their unconventional approach to everyday street life.

Vienna is like a wild mixture that takes on new facets every day. And yet there is something that remains constant and is always there. The Viennese attitude to life. It can only be conveyed in a language that everyone can understand: The language of the heart.

The Concept

The "Heartbeat of Vienna" is presented in the form of a continuous arrangement for string orchestra with several beatbox parts and alternating interludes of classical and modern ballet and an accompanying Vienna video.

In a dynamic sequence, a colourful bridge is built over the contrasts between classical Vienna and a "New Vienna" in order to unite harmoniously as a whole in the finale.

The Staging

  • Wolfgang Steubl Orchestra (Vienna/AUT)
  • Beatboxer Ivory Parker (Graz/AUT)
  • Classical and contemporary ballet
  • Recording: Vienna in moving pictures


15 minutes

The Aim

Heartbeat of Vienna is the maximum enrichment and a valuable part of your event.
We speak to all your guests' senses.
Directly. In the language that everyone understands.

We show Vienna with all its facets and colours. With everything it has and is. That's what we stand for! You too?

„Heartbeat“ of Vienna“ – der Herzschlag von Wien.
For the sound recordings for this Vienna project in the Wiener Konzerthaus with the legendary orchestra conductor Wolfgang Steubl and the world-class beatboxer Ivory NeXor Parker experienced two exciting studio days.
Project in progress. Heart beats loud!

Elisabeth Brandl via facebook

Heartbeat of Vienna – Show-Act: Classic meets Beatbox – Trailer
Official Trailer by​
Video Director: Günther Dworak

Light Concept, Editing & Grading: Günther Dworak
Photography: Reinhard Fenzl, Robert Harson, Martin Ludl

Courtesy of:​